Meeting Room

Public Use of the Meeting Room

 The Richards Memorial Library has one meeting room, which seats approximately 30 people comfortably and is located on the lower level of the library. Library programs and activities have first priority for Meeting Room use.

The room is available to the residents of North Attleboro for use on the following basis:

  • The Meeting Room may be reserved by non-profit, charitable, philanthropic, and other community-based organizations and is available on an equitable basis to all groups and organizations regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of the group, provided they meet all Meeting Room Policy criteria. All meetings must be free-of-charge and open to the public.
  • The meeting room is not available for private meetings or appointments, tutoring, private social functions, political campaigns, religious services, or any activities in public spaces restricted by law.
  • Meetings may be booked up to six months in advance. However, the library cannot host the regular meetings of any single group or organization. Groups may be requested to modify their bookings to accomodate library needs.
  • All scheduled meetings must be contained within the Meeting Room. Use of lobbies, hallways, or library space is not permitted unless specifically authorized by the Library Director.

Use of the meeting room by a group or organization does not in any way constitute an endorsement of the group or organization's policies or beliefs by the Richard Memorial Library.


  • A Meeting Room Application must be submitted two weeks in advance and approved before use of the Meeting Room is granted. A signed Right of Entry and Release must be included with the application. Approval is at the discretion of the Library Director.
  • The contact name on the application will serve as the designee/authorized representative of the group, who will assume responsibility for the group's adherence to the Library's policies.
  • The Meeting Room is available for use during regular library hours and all meetings must end 15 minutes prior to close of the building.
  • Beverages with lids are allowed; Food is only allowed for library sponsored events. No alcoholic beverages may be served at meetings.
  • Meeting Room use must not interfere with or disrupt the programs, activites, and normal operations of the library; must not cause a security risk or safety hazard to library staff, property, or patrons; and must not violate local, state or federal laws.
  • Set-up, take-down, and clean-up of the meeting room is the responsibility of the group using the room.

Failure to observe this Meeting Room Policy will result in loss of Meeting Room booking privileges.